
Ivana Helsinki 15 – Coming Home

Ivana Helsinki designs have been one of my sources of inspiration for over a decade now.
Visiting the "15 - Coming Home" exhibition at Designmuseum was an unique opportunity to revisit the previous collections and memories at once.

Each collection has its own, unique story behind it. Many of them are based e.g. on Paola's childhood memories. Not all the stories are only happy, such as the memories behind collections Dead Butterflies (SS 2007) and Fasan (AW 2007-2008), for instance. I love the way how a wide range of different feelings and memories have been turned into visual art and fashion. The touch of Northern melancholy combined with nostalgia delights in every collection.

Photos from the exhibition: Tuomas Peltomaa
Other photos from my archives

The first collection I truly fell in love with was Birds (2002). 
After the years, it still delights and brings memories from early 2000's.

Rouva (AW 2005) 
was and still is a very relevant collection for me:
it was launched during the same autumn when I became Mrs.

Starrain (AW 2009-10)
was born when Paola moved to New York and missed Finland.
Love the colors, materials and patterns.

Sailor (SS 2011)
Longing & nostalgia combined.

Velvet Lake (AW 2011-12) 
Just beautiful.

Indian Summer (SS 2012) 
My favorite collection.

Tapiola Kauniainen (AW 2012-13)
was not love at first sight, but nowadays liking the colors and patterns a lot.

Ivana Helsinki 15 – Coming Home exhibition at Design Museum open until April 7th.

Current collections available online, 2nd hand items from previous collections can be found here.

4 kommenttia:

  1. moi. sullapa ihanan rauhaisa blogi täällä. oon lukenut hitaasta journalismista, mutta tää voiskin olla sellaista hidasta bloggausta :)
    nähdään ehkäpä kutsujen merkeissä :)

  2. Moi, kiva kun kävit :) ja kiitos kutsusta. Palaillaan asiaan!

  3. En näe itselleni näistä oikein mitään, mutta sulle sopisi monet!

  4. Mulla on näistä Birds, Rouva, Sailor- ja Indian Summer -sarjaa. Muistakin kovasti tykkään! Samoin kuin tänään lanseeratun Linnanmäki-yhteistyön Hyrrä-kuosista :)
